The Enzweiler Building Institute announces its open enrollment period for the 2017-2018 has begun.
“We are experiencing the largest shortage in skilled trades people in construction since immediately following World War II,” said Brian Miller, executive vice president of the Home Builders Association of Northern Kentucky, the trade organization that has operated the Institute since 1967.
“These are good paying jobs and with the aging of our construction company managers and owners we will see the largest shift in ownership and management in our lifetimes in our industry over the next decade. According to regional data we will need over 46,000 new skilled construction trades people to keep up with both the growing market and to replace those retiring from our workforce. Given these facts, now is the best time to begin a career in a skilled construction trade.
“There are many industry sectors in need of workers but only construction provides the least number of barriers to company ownership. The person with their name on the side of the truck is the one that earns the most. You just can’t say that about other industries.”.
Following are courses taught at the Enzweiler Building Instituted, the number of years per course and the Cincinnati Mean Wage for those trades per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Electric (four year) $49,280
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) (two year) $48,800
Carpentry (two year with one year option for experienced framers) $42,320
Masonry (two year) $42,320
Plumbing (two year) $50,060
Facilities Maintenance (two year) $40,940
Welding (one year) $39,070
Tuition begins at $1,925 per year and goes to $2,125 per year based upon the timeliness of full payment. There is a $250 additional fee for Welding and $100 for Facilities Maintenance. All new applicants pay a $50 non-refundable initial application fee. Students are responsible for the purchase of their own textbooks. Employers are encouraged to hire entry level employees and sponsor them through the Institute to staff their workforce.
Students attend classes two night per week from 6-9 p.m. This allows for students to work during the day and learn at night. Job placement services are offered to enrolling students, but transportation is important to local employers. The school year runs form early September through April and includes 156 hours of instruction, allowing for common school year breaks.

First night — electric class, 2016-17.
Some courses articulate with Gateway Community and Technical College; providing students with college credit upon graduation from the Institute and passage of licensure exams.
The Enzweiler Building Institute accelerates careers for those students enrolled in licensed trades for Electric, HVAC and Plumbing. Students enrolled in these courses reduce their time required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky by two years for Electric and roughly one year for HVAC and Plumbing to take their licensure examination.
The Enzweiler Building Institute is a recognized education provider for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Veterans Affairs Administration.
The Enzweiler Building Institute is the longest running continually operating trade school in the Nation, operated by a Builders Association. The Institute has over 200 individuals enrolled in its course and class sizes are limited.
Those interested are encouraged to decide as early as possible to ensure class placement.
Operating since 1967 the Institute is located at the association’s Building Center at 2751 Circleport Drive Erlanger, Kentucky.
For more information about the Enzweiler Building Institute contact Shawn Cox, Director of Professional Development at 859-331-9500 or by email at scox@hbanky.com. Visit their website. Tours and employer visits may be scheduled by appointment.
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