The Home Builders Association of Northern Kentucky (HBA) operates the Enzweiler Building Institute which teaches students skilled trades for adults in its evening program.
The school year begins September 6. Enrollment is underway.
Entering its 50th year of instruction it is the longest privately owned continually operating trade school in the nation.
“We look forward to welcoming back our returning students and meeting the new faces of our first year enrollees,” said Briaun Miller, executive vice president of the trade association. “This is an exciting year for the school as we are going through the process of articulating our programs with Gateway Community and Technical College to provide graduates in many of our programs with dual credit towards college if that is their choice upon our graduation. Construction jobs are in very high demand.
“In Greater Cincinnati alone we need to onboard over 46,000 workers into the trades we teach. For Northern Kentucky that means over 16,000 new trades persons.

Recent program graduates
“We receive calls every day looking for skilled trades people and they simply are not enough out there to fill the need. These are jobs that pay on average over $40,000 yearly after graduation; a very livable wage. For those looking for work or looking to transition into the middle class we offer job placement assistance with our members to jumpstart them into their chosen craft.”
Two-year courses are taught in Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), carpentry, masonry, plumbing and facilities maintenance. A four-year electric program is a focal point of the school. An incumbent learning one-year welding program is offered and hosted at the Boone County Area Technology Center.
Classes are offered two evening a week from 6-9 p.m. The cost to attend is $2,000 a year.
Materials costs are paid by the enrollee for the welding program. The Electric, HVAC and Plumbing programs are recognized by the Commonwealth as an education provider for licensure. All three trades are licensed in Kentucky. Students cut their on the job training requirement for electric from 6 down to 4 years by attending the Institute. Plumbing and HVAC students cut their requirements from 3 years down to 2.
For more information about the Enzweiler Building Institute please call Shawn Cox, Director of Professional Development, at 859-331-9500, email him at scox@hbanky.com or visit the school’s website.
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